No exchange or refund on items sold on discounted prices, sale or free delivery offers.
We take great pride in the superior quality of our products and want you to be pleased with your purchase. We believe in offering the very best value, quality and selection to our customers. You may return any unused and unopened item purchased from us for any reason within Same day or Three working (03) days (in case of return the claim has to be the same day and in case of exchange the claim has to be within Three Days) of your receive date. If you purchased your merchandise through any offers which would have given you free items, those items need not to be returned and they are gifts to you from HnY Mart.
No questions asked, you can claim for a refund/return or exchange of the product in case of any defect
We have introduced a super feature “E Wallet” System for all your refunds or exchanges. Your purchasing account with has a wallet feature where your balance is adjusted for any refund or exchange that is applicable. If you want to withdraw that amount, you can simply put a request at our email
If there is any defect, you can at once claim a refund on the same day of receiving the product, which shall reflect in your wallet the same day of our acknowledgement or refunded to your bank account with in 7 days of acknowledgement. In case of any exchange processing, due to defect or damage in delivery, provided the product qualifies for it, and not purchased at a discounted price, sale any offer or free delivery, the exchange product will be dispatched upfront at earliest availability. In case the product is un-available, you can adjust your balance amount in some other product or claim return and refund.
In case for the return of an item, in most cases our riders will pickup the product from your doorstep. in case that is not possible for any reason, such as regional limitations, the customer will need to return by themselves via the courier company.
Your complete satisfaction is our ultimate goal. You may return any item shipped by Company, keeping the following in mind:
You should return the item to us in the prescribed time.
We do not accept items back that have been used.
In case of you want a return a product without any reason a 5% re-stocking fee shall be charged.
In case of fragile items, we are not responsible for breakage or damage, but we will corporate at our best possible as per individual invoice, provided it shall not be part of any sales offer, discounts or free delivery. We do provide delivery insurance but we charged for that.